We need your help to raise $30,000 in October 2024.

Together, we can do it!

You might have also seen the devastating report from TCG – regional theatres produced half as many plays in 2023 compared to 2019. While most theatres rely on classics and familiar titles to keep the seats full, we both know those are “empty calories.” Healthy minds and spirits require new ideas and new art.

Whether through the artistic contributions of Grant Wood and Marvin Cone, the technological innovations of Collins Radio, or the contributions of so many others, innovation has been and must continue to be the lifeblood of Cedar Rapids.

Jack winks



Your commitment to building a sustainable arts and culture innovation hub is more important now than ever. We are urgently working to raise $30,000 to sustain our 2024-25 season of raw, relevant, and daring productions.

Mirrorbox provides honoraria to local artists, but volunteer board members handle all administrative tasks. Even without a paid staff, the costs of producing challenging artwork persist. Here are just a few of the ways your donation supports a groundbreaking show:

  • $10,000 – Season Sponsorship – Make a year of artistic innovation possible for our community (plus see below about skywriting)
  • $4,000 – Title Sponsorship – your (or your company’s) name on the poster, program cover, and basically everywhere else it fits (skywriting based on availability)
  • $2,000 – Cast Sponsor – support the Iowa artists bringing a captivating story to life
  • $1,500 – Script Sponsor – license a thought-provoking play or musical
  • $1,000 – Design Sponsor – imagine the world of an Iowa premiere for a single production (costumes, props, set, sound, lights)
  • $750 – Directing Sponsor – hire a talented artist to helm an Iowa premiere, they might even wear a beret
  • $500 – Media Sponsor – Be the bullhorn that tells the community about our amazing work together
  • $250 – Materials Sponsor – Turn dreams into reality with sets, costumes, and props

Your commitment to new art reverberates through the community. In 2024, Dorothy de Souza Guedes was introduced to Mirrorbox:

“My first visit to Mirrorbox Theatre was such a delight that I returned to see the show, "WE'LL GET BACK TO YOU," two more times. A Rob Bell premiere in Cedar Rapids? That tells me Mirrobox is not only well-connected but they know what they’re doing. Kudos to Mirrorbox for renovating a vintage brick corner building into a neighborhood asset, creating up-close-and-personal experiences that don’t feel confining.”

Thank you for making many more vital and stimulating personal experiences possible.


Cavan Hallman

